Cloud Computing

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In simple terms, cloud computing is a range of services delivered over the internet, or “the cloud.” It means using remote servers to store and access data instead of relying on local hard drives and private datacenters.

Before cloud computing existed, organizations had to purchase and maintain their own servers to meet business needs. This required buying enough server space to reduce the risk of downtime and outages, and to accommodate peak traffic volume.


These services are divided into three main categories or types of cloud computing: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS).


Cloud development simply means writing code in the cloud, or on a local machine directly connected to the cloud environment, to where it is transferred for testing. Cloud development requires only a browser or online interface that is connected to a cloud-based infrastructure There are four stages of the end-to-end journey: cloud discovery, cloud data migration, cloud data maturity, and cloud data leader. It's possible that for larger enterprises with diverse data needs, some departments and functions could be at different stages.

How does cloud computing help developers?

Cloud computing creates a virtual environment for project management and software builds, complete with automated testing. This modern environment provides improved agility, increased performance, and faster time to market for software development. Developers can benefit from the cloud by being able to more easily monitor all of the operations and applications that they use. They can see application performance metrics, logs and monitoring tools to identify problems with a server or system before a user reports them

Benefits of Cloud computing

  • Cloud computing has gained popularity at a rapid pace because it offers a number of benefits. It’s more cost-effective than on-site server installations and can provide faster service than a traditional installation..

  • In addition, cloud computing models are easy to scale. The cloud extends alongside an organization's fluctuating needs, making it easy to accommodate real-time changes in computing power needs. The cloud is also very reliable, offering dependable data backup for disaster recovery and business continuity..

  • Businesses that leverage cloud environments do not need to maintain complex hardware, nor do they need to build solutions from scratch. The cloud allows teams to get projects up and running as soon as they receive executive sign off.