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"Bringing creative and innovative ideas to life through student projects that showcase their skills, knowledge and potential for impact."

Web Development

a. Create a responsive website for a fictional business or organization.

b. Develop an e-commerce website with shopping cart functionality.

c. Build a content management system (CMS) for a blog or news website.

d. Design a social networking platform with user profiles and messaging features.

Mobile App Development

a. Create a task management app with features like creating tasks, setting deadlines, and notifications.

c. Develop a fitness tracking app that records and displays exercise data, such as steps, distance, and calories burned.

d. Design a language learning app with interactive lessons, quizzes, and progress tracking.

e. Build a travel planning app that helps users find and book flights, accommodations, and activities.

Data Analysis and Visualization

a. Analyze a large dataset (e.g., public transportation data, weather data) and create visualizations to present meaningful insights.

b. Develop a sentiment analysis tool that analyzes social media data to determine positive or negative sentiment.

c. Build a dashboard that displays real-time financial data, such as stock prices and market trends.

d. Create a recommendation system that suggests movies, books, or products based on user preferences and historical data.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

a. Develop a chatbot that can provide information on a specific topic or assist with customer support.

b. Build a sentiment analysis model that classifies text as positive, negative, or neutral.

c. Create an image recognition system that can identify objects or recognize handwritten digits.